Saturday, December 26, 2009


Wow another Christmas came and went so quickly! I swear this year just snuck right up on us!

Overall we had a good Christmas this year.
The girls got TWO secret santas this year which helped us out immensely! And thanks to family and friends who contributed to our Christmas otherwise Tyler and I would've gotten nothing, and we are soooooooo grateful to those who contributed to our Happy Christmas!

Christmas Eve we spent with my family like usual. It was fun. We missed my brother Glenn & his sweet wife, Andrea, and our little nephew Brayden. They were visitn her family this year in Georgia. She was happy to be home and I don't blame her. How wonderful!
Michael had to work all night at Dominos. That was very disappointing, made my mom cry. It's his last Christmas here before he leaves on his mission for 2 years to Japan in just 2-3 weeks!
It was probably our last Christmas Eve with my family, too, since Tyler's in the Army now and we'll most definitely be moved out of State.
We had a lot of fun, though! We had delicious dinner and a talent show. It was cute! The little girls are so fun to watch show off their little talents.
Then we opened presents from each other. It was great! Thanks to the love of family & friends my parents were able to get us all something. The little girls all had a blast! We held it at an LDS church and it's a big one so the girls had tonz of space to run around and play all night.

Christmas morning we did the usual. Open presents. We had a lot of fun seeing what the girls got from others.
They both got boots and church shoes and that was so wonderful because neither of them had either! They got PJ's, undies (the usual), an outfit each from grandma Pearson, a pair of cute shoes, some My Littlest Pet Shop toys, Sophie got a plush Tinkerbell, they got some art supplies and playdough, a doll and clothes for the doll, and some dollar store toys we got for their stockings. They had so much fun!

Then we went to my mom's for a little bit (30-60 min) and looked at their presents (they didn't get hardly anything. That goes with dad being without a job for about 1 1/2 years) and gave Benji one of his presents. Thanks to so many charitable people Benji and Mike Liu (like foster siblings) got donated a lot of clothes and gift cards and books and things. They had a good Christmas this year. I was very happy for them because Benji's mom died this year and he hasn't seen her for several years or been home to Mexico for many years and Mike's family is in Taiwan and don't have anything nor celebrate Christmas at all.

Then we went to Tyler's folk's house and had a delicious dinner of Tyler's amazing roast beef. WOW he's such a good cook! Go figure since he's going to be a cook in the Army. Lucky soldiers who get to eat his food!! Then the girls opened a couple presents and all the girls played and had a great time. Tyler and I got to play cards with his sis and mama and then we loaded up taking Tyler's youngest sis with us for the night.

I love Christmas! I used to be quit e the scrooge, but because of Tyler and ESPECIALLY because of having children, I LOVE it now. I don't think about myself during this time of year. It rotates around others and especially my children and I LOVE it! I love buying and getting and wrapping presents for family and friends and seeing their reactions to whatever they get. It's so much fun for me!

Tomorrow we are celebrating Lacie's 6th birthday!!! So far only ONE friend is coming and she doesn't even know it. She's such a social bug it's probably going to crush her, but hey one friend is better than no friends!! And she LOVES Isaac! (thank you Kristen!!!). Her young little aunt who's staying the night will be there, too, which I'm so glad for.

Christmastime just includes Lacie in it. It's her birthday on the 27th.

I gave Lacie the middle name of Marie for a few different reasons. 1. It's a major family name. My mom-in-law has it for a middle name, my grandma-in-law does too, and it's my aunt's name in my dad's family and I just idolize that amazing woman! 2. Then it's my great-grandmother's name (middle or first I'm not sure). My grandpa Pearson spoke so highly of her and I wanted her to be remembered through the ages so passed on her first and middle names to both of my daughters. 3. Mary = Marie. I thought of Jesus' mother and wanted to name my little precious daughter after the mother of Jesus and Marie is Mary and it fit perfectly.

Okay, that's it for now. My eyes are blurry, watery and burning (I really need glasses like something fierce now) and it's 3:15am and I need to get to bed so this is very rambling and probably slightly detached and I'm just so tired!

Merry Christmas everyone and THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO much to those of you and whoever the secret santas are that made our Christmas even fathomable this year!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Santa came today!!!

Santa clause came today!!
Well, it was actually a surprise secret santa from our ward!
We were just hanging around the house getting ready to leave when someone knocked on the door. Lacie opened it to find two big Kohl's bags full of wrapped Christmas presents. WOW!
With the gifts came a card with a note. The note explained what every gift was and for whom. The girls got a pair of snow boots and church shoes each which are two things we REALLY NEEDED. Talk about tears of joy!!!!
I love this time of year. There is so much excitement, love, charity and joy in the air. I love thinking about my Savior Jesus Christ and the endless, omnificent love he showed for us by coming here, living the perfect life for example, then dying for us.
Christmas is a very special time of year.
Please remember why we have Christmas! Remember why it's called CHRISTmas and how it started and why we celebrate it.
Remember those out there who have less than you do like someone did for us. That's one true spirit of Christmas. Giving gifts. Like Jesus did for us. He gave his life as a gift for all of us.
Christmas is a good time to follow his example, and to reflect on all he has given us and all we have to give of ourselves in return.

Now we are so excited for Christmas morning! We have something exciting to look forward to for the girls instead of just dollar store presents. hee hee.

Wow thank you "Santa" for coming early this year!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Frampton Family Christmas Letter 2009

December 2009
Dear friends and family:

This year has been an interesting year for our little family. Tyler got promoted at work at the beginning of the year only to be laid off of work the 1st of March. He continued to go to school with full-time credits at Stevens-Henager and remained on the Dean’s List despite the stresses of life.

We are very excited for this coming year and all its changes that await us. We love this time of year during the Christmas season. We feel the spirit of charity; of love. We feel closer to our friends and family, and we feel the love of our Heavenly Father because of the reminder of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Tyler enlisted in the U.S. Army 23 of November 2009 as a Cook. He is very excited but also very nervous. He continued going to school almost the entire year until just this month when he put his schooling on hold until after he finishes his Army & Cook training next Spring-Fall. He continues to play around on his guitars, always coming up with a new tune. He enjoys his down time playing games online and on his Play Station 2. He can never sit still for too long before getting restless and always can find something to do to keep himself occupied. He already attended his first Drill with all the local Army Units in our area and really enjoyed himself.

Lisa has started to write a book based on one of her dreams. She really enjoys writing, reading and interior design. Her acting and modeling career have been on hold because of her illnesses but she hopes to be able to pick that up again one day soon. She is excited to be starting up in college again as a junior at Utah Valley University. She’s still unsure of what to major or graduate in but is thinking about many things like an Attorney, Police Officer, Public Speaking, Journalism, Theater, Forensics, among others.

Lacie has been growing by leaps and bounds. She started Kindergarten at our local elementary school and has been doing wonderfully. She loves to read, or at least tries her best at reading, every single day. She has learned math, to read a few small words, writing, and is amazing at art and music (of course!). She sings very well, plays the piano, and even a little bit of violin. She loves to dance, draw, paint, play with all her toys and especially loves playing with her friends and little sister, Sophie. She turns 6 years old two days after Christmas and can hardly wait!

Sophie has also been growing up so quickly! She speaks very well and has a very broad imagination. She is a quiet little girl for the most part but always finds plenty of things to get into, always reminding her parents that even though she’s quiet she is definitely there! She loves to sing and has nearly perfect pitch. She also loves dancing, painting, and is obsessed with Tinkerbell and swimming. She is almost 4 years old and talks about her future birthday party on a daily basis. She and Lacie are best friends.

So there you have it! Our Frampton family update! If you want to keep up to date with our family please feel free to follow Lisa’s blog written for the family at

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!!!