So, we're moving!! AGAIN!! We moved here only 5 months ago and we're out again! Well, it's getting closer to 6 months, I think.
We finally started to get to know a few people in the ward, too! And the girls do and don't want to move. They WANT to move because we have a major bug problem here and they DON'T want to move cuz they made good friends that are a couple of Mexican girls (illegal aliens, but they're really nice people).
They might be moving back to Mexico soon, but if not they wanted us to let them know of any apartments where we are moving to. I will, for sure, let them know if there are any. Rentals are super hot right now, though. It took us these 5 months to find this place! Everyone does credit checks now and since ours is CRAP we didn't qualify for anything!
The place we're moving to is in Orem, again, and it's a townhome style apartment. I like it a lot and so does Tyler. It has new flooring throughout and has brown wood paneling! lol It's hilarious but we kinda like it. hahaha we're weird!
Tyler is also back in school. YEA!!!!! He's going to Stephen's Henegar in Orem and is doing AWESOMELY AMAZING! All A's so far! I'm sooooo excited for him! Hip hip hooray! He's majoring in something to do with Medical lol. He's taken the complete initiative this time. It's great!
I applied to work at A to Z Building Blocks in AF and I hear tomorrow if I get it or not... sorda. She will schedule an interview with me tomorrow first. So the girls will go there for free for preschool & daycare and I'll work while with them! yea! I hope it works out good. If not I'll look for another daycare/preschool job or a night job. But I HAVE to work. We're just not making it on Tyler's income alone, and my part-time income from acting/modeling. We have way too much debt! It's mostly all medical, then our car, then just loans and a couple credit cards we used to LIVE with.
I am sooo sad! We are selling our washer & dryer! They're SUPER nice and we have LOVED them! Fridgadaire front-load, black. So perfect! We aren't making back all our money, but we're making okay. We'll pay back our parents next week and pay off my credit card, or most of it anyway. We are also selling like everything else! argh. Being poor really blows! We might be selling our table & chairs, too. It's all very hard. But we have to!
Oh, I've been on TV a few times now, and in a few movies, and modeled a few times now. I'm having loads of fun doing that! I make pretty decent money doing that, but the jobs are far between, okay not TOO bad, but not enough. Especially since I'm getting fatter & fatter all the time!! It makes everything harder with weight-gain!
Oh, and my health. I have thyroid disease and had to up the prescription cuz my thyroid was going all bad on me. I also have really bad acid reflux and had to get a higher prescription on that, too. I found out that I do have depression and P.T.S.D. and anxiety and a little bit of paranoia. Nothing, from what the doc can tell, was from what I was born with but I got thanks to my upbringing and some traumatic experiences I've had throughout my lifetime.
Oh, and GoYin? Well, I still stand by that product 100%! Just cannot afford it right now and I seriously HATE making phone calls at all! So we had to pause that. I hope to get back into it someday... but for now I just can't. We have too many other things going on that are more important.
Okay my hands are getting tired from typing. I'm not sure why, but they just are! So cha cha for now! ttyl :)
Welcome to blogging sorry we can't help with the move, Mike's gone for a while