These are the reasons why I didn't vote for Obama and now why I am nervous and afraid for the next four years:
1. The loss of Conservative Talk Radio
2. The loss of more jobs
3. Raising of taxes
4. Raising of gasoline and natural gas prices
5. Loss of Religious Freedoms
6. Guns taken away
7. Illegal Aliens have more free-reign on our money and lifestyles
8. More terrorist attacks
9. Healthcare declining
10. Homeschool being stopped
11. Abortions okayed for every type and every reason
12. Business loss, job loss, income loss, home loss
13. Lots of preaching and hopeful promises and none fulfilled
14. War on terrorists stopped and terrorists gain more power
15. Moral issues not looked at in the correct light and disregarded
16. Our money given out to other countries against our will instead of back into our own country where it should stay
17. The chance of becoming a 3rd world country because of economic reasons and even spiritual reasons
18. A possible civil war
These are all the main issues I have with Obama being our president.
Now what I REALLY am against is how he's voted in the past for abortion. Not only does he support partial-birth abortion, but he supports babies being killed that survive botched abortions. That's just plain evil and disgusting and cold. I am worried about people becoming more and more convinced to be accepting of wicked ideas and ideals and embracing them and forcing the rest of us to live with it. Our country is becoming more and more cold and hard-hearted. We are denying our God who gives us life! We are denying the very fabric from which we came and upon which we stand!
God help us!!!!!!!
1. The loss of Conservative Talk Radio
2. The loss of more jobs
3. Raising of taxes
4. Raising of gasoline and natural gas prices
5. Loss of Religious Freedoms
6. Guns taken away
7. Illegal Aliens have more free-reign on our money and lifestyles
8. More terrorist attacks
9. Healthcare declining
10. Homeschool being stopped
11. Abortions okayed for every type and every reason
12. Business loss, job loss, income loss, home loss
13. Lots of preaching and hopeful promises and none fulfilled
14. War on terrorists stopped and terrorists gain more power
15. Moral issues not looked at in the correct light and disregarded
16. Our money given out to other countries against our will instead of back into our own country where it should stay
17. The chance of becoming a 3rd world country because of economic reasons and even spiritual reasons
18. A possible civil war
These are all the main issues I have with Obama being our president.
Now what I REALLY am against is how he's voted in the past for abortion. Not only does he support partial-birth abortion, but he supports babies being killed that survive botched abortions. That's just plain evil and disgusting and cold. I am worried about people becoming more and more convinced to be accepting of wicked ideas and ideals and embracing them and forcing the rest of us to live with it. Our country is becoming more and more cold and hard-hearted. We are denying our God who gives us life! We are denying the very fabric from which we came and upon which we stand!
God help us!!!!!!!
I am with you on this one Lisa, we need to look into history and learn from the past, so that when things come up maybe we can voice a concern. I like to say pre Hitler. I am just sick inside. I do think that it is amazing though the historic event it is to have a black presidents, and I do have to recognize how far he has come in his life. I just pray that he can some how realize that he has to turn to God in leading our country. Abortion thing, it is horrible the way he supports it. I pray that all the pro life groups can get established in Schools and let their voices be heard. I don't see how anyone can take the right of a child in coming to this Earth away. It just isn't right!!! God has a plan for each of his children, what makes people think they are above him!