So I went today for this little bump/spot on my forehead. I had my brother in law look at it who's pretty much a P.A. now and he said to get it checked.
It's been buggin me and growing super super fast. Well, faster than I would expect a spot to grow. LOL!
It's not very big but it is very noticeable. It's reddish and very raised and growing out in two directions and it scabs over every other day and sometimes it itches. It's just really irritating and I don't like people looking at it. That bugs me.
Also I've had this nagging cough for a while now. Ever since I was really sick with Influenza.
Okay so he looked me over and said I have Walking Pneumonia and I probably have Basal Cell Cancer.
Great, huh?
Yep, I, Lisa, get NO breaks where health stuff is concerned!
So I have a couple of medications to take for the Pneumonia. One is an antibiotic and the other is a cold medicine to help me sleep at night.
And on Monday I go back to have this spot/bump taken off my face and biopsied to be sure that's what it is, though the doc is like 98% sure it is.
I also have a Magnesium deficiency, probably, that's been causing my paralysis and muscle spasms and contractions, weakness and delayed relaxation. So I have to take Magnesium. Not a biggie, just another pill to add to my daily stash. hahaha!!
So read the links I inserted here to know what these are exactly and they'll explain it pretty good.
Love to you all! Oh, and I am NOT having a pity party.
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