Here's some T.M.I. to start with, though. I started my "monthly thing" and it's been HORRENDOUS like last month!! Like every hour I'm having MAJOR issues and having to change everything I'm wearing.
Today was also our 4th year Temple Sealing Anniversary. I'm always so excited to get to this day! It's so special to me cuz it marks the day that our family was made into an Eternal one, not just "until death".
Every year we spend the entire day doing things as a family and try to make it fun and special.
We used a gift certificate to eat at I.H.O.P., went to our park for a couple of hours, got ice cream at Arctic Circle, went to RC Willey Outlet in Provo and to Walmart and to see Coraline at Movies 8.
Well, in between one event and the movies I had another "accident" so that's why we went to Walmart.
So I needed to find some panties and pants or something and needed to try them on. Sophie had the shopping cart between us with my purse and the diaper bag. I told Tyler to stay with her so I could find what I needed and try the stuff on.
So I turn and walk away at that.
About 20 minutes or so later I find Tyler with NO SOPHIE! He has Lacie, but not little Sophie! So I ask him where she is and gives me this startled blank stare and says, "I thought she was with you".
UH-OH!! He didn't hear me or spaced it off or something!! lol
So I get all frantic and we split up again and start looking for her.
Mind you this was in the Orem Walmart so it's HUGE!
I look here and there quickly then scurry up to the Service Counter and they like know me on the spot. Must have been the crazy look on my face lol.
"Code Adam. The mother's here" is what the lady says on her radio.
Then she gets the reply that they have Sophie with them over at the bakery.
I hurry over there as fast as I dare and see Sophie standing next to an employee with our cart.
She tells me that Sophie was walking around pushing the cart and just randomly picking things off the shelves and putting them in the cart.
Sophie was completely calm and just gave me a look like, "oh hi mom. I finished the shopping for you".
Talk about mixed emotions!!!!!!!!!
I was so upset and frantic over the thought of losing her and yet happy to see that she's totally fine and I'm the one that got traumatized and not her, and then I try not to laugh at the same time for what she had in the cart!!
There was a can of olives, an apple, cookies, two hershey syrup containers (two different types), Twilight the movie, colored pencils, a huge bag of rolls, some pecan pies, a couple jars of sourcrout I believe, some ramen noodles, fishy crackers, sprite, V8 Fusion, bacon, and several other things I can't remember right now.
She didn't pile it with candy or tonz of kids things or junk. Just stuff she likes and stuff she sees mommy and daddy buying. It was sooooooooooo cute and funny!!!
So I got the cart and she walked with me to find daddy. We both laughed as we rummaged through her collection. Smart little girl!!
Okay, also, I have been baby hungry. It's only recenlty hit me just HOW baby hungry. I see or think of a new baby and I get weepy!!!!! lol
At the hospital today for my ultrasound I walk past the lab and a brand new baby is getting his heel pricked for jaundice and is crying his tiny little eyes out and it makes me cry!! I go up to the receptionist where I was to get my ultrasound done at and she's looking at me funny cuz I have huge tears in my eyes! lol I felt like an oaf! haha
Then at Walmart AFTER Sophie's adventure we walked past the babies clothes and both my girls run to the tiny baby outfits and start picking them off the racks and saying, "See the tiny baby clothes? They're so cute!!" and showing me tiny booties and saying things like, "we want you to have a baby mommy! These are for the babies!"
It's driving me INSANE!!!!! lol
So yeah, there ya go. There was our day in a nutshell.
It's always scary when you can't find your little ones. At least you have the 2 girls close together. It took us 5 years to get Kortney and Katie always complains that she doesn't have a sister close to her age. We will remember you in our prayers.