We thought it was going to be a stormy day but it turned out so nice!
We went to our annual Pearson reunion up in Bear River for a huge BBQ. It was fun just chillin and catchin up with the cousins. Seems like more than half my cousins are having babies!! It's so cool! I'm happy for them. Not jealous, though, which is good I think. I figure it'll happen for us when it's right, ya know?
We got to borrow my inlaw's car. We wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for them letting us use it. It was really nice! We took Trynity with us, Tyler's littlest sister. It really was a nice day.
We visited my grandpa's grave and Tyler's grandpa's grave and my friend's baby's grave. I see these little graves and it just breaks my heart. My cousin's 1st baby's grave is next to my grandpa's and I always go stand by it and feel for my cousin's loss. I also stand next to my aunt's children's graves that are next to my cousin's baby's grave. She had two babies die. It's so sad!! Amelia, Robyn & Andrew were their names.
I finally got myself to go see my friend's baby's grave. It was very hard. I haven't been there since she died last year.
She was just shy of turning 2 years old and was Sophie's "best" friend. I loved that little girl with all my heart. I felt a special bond with her. She would smile at me and laugh at me. I loved holding her.
Poor little Allie got really, really sick while growing in the womb. She lost part of her brain before and after birth. It caused SERIOUS health problems, as you can imagine. It was a shere MIRACLE that she lived to be as old as she was!!!
It was the most difficult things EVER for her parents to let her go, but we all know and the Spirit bore witness to us, that little Angel Allie is happier than ever in Heaven without being enclosed in a diseased and handicapped body anymore.
Seeing her gravesite I did okay at first. They had two of her cutest pictures engraven onto the headstone. Then I noticed the little Jump Rope that her mother (Kristen, one of my very best friends ever) had left on her grave and I thought of the Resurrection and little Allie rising in perfect glory as an almost 2 yr old that she will be, but in perfection, and about her learning to use that jump rope wither mommy and I just couldn't keep the tears in. I bawled and bawled my eyes out thinking of her and missing her and wanting to hold her just one more time!!! And cried about her coming back and my dear friends being blessed to raise her during the Millenium because they have been sealed together as a family that will be together forever.
What an ENORMOUS and great blessing!! And it's available to all who choose to have it and do what's necessary to get it.
I miss little Allie so much. Sophie remembers her and of course Lacie does. Sophie was excited to see her picture and see the little girly toys left at her gravesite by her parents and big brother, Isaac (one of Lacie's best friends).
Lacie got down on her knees in front of the headstone of Allie's and hugged it so tight! She kissed Allie's picture like 3 or 4 times and said she missed her and loved her so much.
I was just crying. I couldn't hold it back. It was so overwhelming.
I didn't realize how much I'm NOT over little Allie's passing. It was like she was my own child, and yet she of course was totally NOT. There's no way I can feel what my friends have felt, but I can surely sympathize, or try to at least, in the best way that I can.
The rest of the day was nice. We dropped off Trynity, Tyler vacuumed out the car we messed up (LOL) and our truck, then we went to pick up some scrap metal to make a couple of bucks off of, and then at home our next door neighbor came over to fix our broken kitchen sink.
The girls are sleeping soundly, Tyler's playing his Black game, and I'm sitting here, of course, and feeling a huge wave of gratitude for all of our blessings and miracles that we have in our lives right now. And so grateful for our many, many good friends and relatives.
This is another day that has passed, and we have one more tomorrow and we'll take them as they come.
What a great post! It was so great seeing you yesterday! We really do need to get together sometime!!LOL! Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and I hope your surgery can help you feel better and that you may be able to get pregnant! I love you!!!