Right now I have a massive tension headache so excuse me if I ramble or don't make sense or whatever.
My midwife called me back today (our phones have been off all week) and gave me results to my annual and an ultrasound I had done, etc.
I am borderline P.C.O.S. afterall. I have it and all the symptoms, it's just not that severe in my blood, if that makes sense. So to treat it they wanted to put me on birth control pills. A friend of mine was telling me that those are some of the worst things to take for it cuz they could make me never ovulate again!
So I have the two most common causes of infertility: endometriosis and p.c.o.s.
Sucky, eh?
Then my ultrasound results showed enlarged ovaries and tonz of cysts in them. So there's the reason for my bad pelvic pain. No fun!!
They said it's from taking Clomid probably. We'll see, though.
So I have this month and next month to get pregnant and if I don't then I have to either see a Fertility Specialist or start treating my P.C.O.S.
Also, I stopped taking my anti-deppresant anti-anxiety meds and so far I feel SO MUCH BETTER!! I have ENERGY!!!!!!! I feel better getting up, too. It's helped so much having my CPAP machine! And also I started taking Magnesium like 400mg a day. It's helped a HUGE amoutn as well! I used to have muscle spams and cramps SO SO BAD and muscle weakness and tightness. Now I don't nearly as bad. It's great!
Also, since getting off those stupid meds my skin is SOFT again! Instead of dry, bumpy, itchy skin it's smooth and soft and cleared up.
Tyler and my dad gave me a blessing yesterday and it was good. I will feel more pain for a bit but I will be well soon and healthy again. I'm so happy about that! I hope I can start losing weight with this gained energy I have.
I've been more emotional lately, too, but supposedly it's because of the Clomid. It tends to do that. So such is life with female stuff huh? haha
Tyler and I are still getting by miraculously with everything. Thanks to his parents we finally got our cell phones turned back on! YIPEEEE!!!!!
Please pray that Tyler finds a good job, soon, k? We don't care where, just where his school is and it can keep us from getting sued again and again.
Love to you all
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