Now the Sleep Apnea explains why I'm so doggone tired all the time!!
Here are my results:
I have a non-breathing episode/event 20 times in one flippin hour! And during my REM I have like 67!!! I don't snore, which they thought was extremely odd for how bad my Apnea is. My oxygen stays at 84% during the night. NO WONDER!!!!!!!!! Holy crap!!
So this Thursday night I go back for another Sleep Study and this time they'll put the CPAP machine on me to determine at what level I need it at and then I'll get a prescription for it to use at home. That's gonna be SO WEIRD! I don't know how I'm going to adjust to it, but, I am soooo excited to actually start it cuz I'm hoping my AWFUL AWFUL memory gets better, I can lose weight, and have energy to get up and won't feel like sleeping all freakin day long!!
So I don't have regular Apnea, folks, I have severe Apnea. My airway is completely blocked and staying at 84% oxygen all night long is seriously dangerous. No wonder I'm so freakin brain-damaged!! hahahaha
So progress in my health crap! YEA!!!!!!!
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