They had to numb me up three different times!! My body soaks up anesthesia like a dry sponge. Dead serious! When I had my babies I'd have to have my epidural adjusted and fixed several times.
And in surgery the last time I woke up in the middle of it. I don't remember any pain or hearing anything or feeling anything else, just a nurse behind my head looking down at me with a mask on and a hat that covers the hair. Then she put something over my mouth and that's it.
My gums and jaw hurt and my teeth, too, now. They're giving me a migraine.
So I got a call from an associate of my Neurologist today. He called to tell me Dr Taher ordered a Sleep Study since my oxygen test went really bad. In other words, I failed miserably. Ha ha. No surprise there! When I was AWAKE and looked at the machine my oxygen was 85 and my heart rate 50. So yeah, not super good. It would explain A LOT if I have Sleep Apnea.
So tonight the girls went to Michelle's for the night (great break for us. They kept us up all night last night!!) and we babysat Kristen & Kevin's little kids. I LOVE new babies!! Made me so baby hungry taking care of that little newborn! It feels so natural to care for a tiny baby. Even Tyler loved it. It was cute seeing him with that new baby and cuddling her and taking care of her. She's such a pretty little baby.
Anyway, so since our babies are gone tonight we got to go see a movie! An early Valentine's date thing for us. We went to see "Taken". It was such a super super cool movie!! It got an applause by most everyone in the theater! It was FULL. We had to sit in the very front and the screen was HUGE but it was so worth going! It was go go go through the entire movie. Never boring and very interesting and educational, too. We totally recommend it!!!
Okay, then also I'm going to be starting Clomid. I got my prescription and how it works is taking it on the 5th day of my cycle through the 9th, then doing "the thing" every other day from day 10-20. If we don't get pregnant this month she gave me like 3 refills. Kinda nice. I guess we'll see if this does the trick, eh?
Oh, and Tyler got me Guitar Hero World Tour!!! Just the 1 guitar, but hey, I'm so excited to play it!! Yipee!! I LOVE tax return season!!!
okay, so that's my "another one" update for y'all.
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