Current mood:
So last night my Sleep Study SUCKED!!!I could NOT sleep for the life of me! I got MAYBE 3 hours of sleep and woke up every 10 min during that time. Then at 3 am I woke up and stayed wide awake the rest of the night. They unhooked me at 5:30 instead of 6:30. Then, Tyler forgot to come pick me up and he had his stupid phone off! So I had to WALK HOME!! I was soooo mad! I got home freezing cold (walked in my PJ's!! in the 20's) and then unlocked the door and Sophie was sitting on the couch and Tyler was laying on the floor next to the portable heater (since our heater is broken). I didn't say one word to him cuz I was so mad. I got Sophie and carried her up to our bed and finally went to sleep at about 7:30 or 8:00 and slept until 10:30ish. I AM SOOOO TIRED!!!!
The CPAP machine helped my oxygen levels stay in the 90's except whenever I moved it would plummet. I have no idea why, either. Weird, huh?
It was nice having that air, though. It felt SO DIFFERENT being able to breath!! lol
I won't find out the restults of that for 5-7 days now, they said. So we'll just see. Man these medical bills are going to murder us!
Oh, we got sued again. The 3rd time now. This time from a medical billing collection. Lovely eh? Pisses us off! They don't give us a break! Tyler's hours got cut a LOT so yeah, there's no way to get around any of this. It sucks!
Anyway, about Lacie now.
She's had this mole on her head since she was a baby. It started really small and got bigger and bigger until it was as big or bigger than a pencil eraser, which we know is the size when it needs to be looked at. Tyler took her to the dermatologist this morning and just in the last while it's been growing irregularly and getting jagged edges and being sensitive. So the doc removed it and scraped it clean and put a liquid bandage on it. I'm glad he didn't have to shave any hair off. I was worried about that.
The doc said she was better than most adults are!! lol That's my Lacie!! He's going to have it biopsied cuz it concerned him. He said if it's positive for Carcinoma or Melanoma then they'll have to surgically go in and remove a chunk out of her head and sew it back up. YUCKY!!! Poor Lacie!! I hope it's not positive! But that mole was getting kinda scary looking and it concerned us that it irritated her whenever it was touched.
One more thing. Tonight Tyler and I get some time alone!!!! We're going to a Hotel in SLC and going to the dollar movies. I'm SO EXCITED!!!!!!!! We got some good deals and get to eat mostly for free. Then tomorrow we're going to Ashley Furniture, Guitar Center and the Cheesecake Factory. Yes we have people (family) watching the girls. Thank heavens for that!!
We have learned to NOT ask certain people to help watch the kids EVER AGAIN because they ALWAYS say no and blah blah blah. It's annoyed me a lot and really ticked Tyler off. So we have my inlaws taking them all day on Saturday (THANK YOU!!!!) and my brother and his wife and my other little brother coming over at night. So they'll be safe and well taken care of. I'm sure they'll miss us. I'm MORE sure Sophie will miss me!! That's why she was sitting on the couch this morning was cuz she was up most the night waiting for me to come home!!! How sad, eh??
Oh, when Tyler came home this morning from Lacie's appointment he surprised me with long stem red roses!!! And a Valentine's and Anniversary card. It was so sweet. He felt so bad for making me walk. I hope I can laugh about it later but right now I'm just too tired to be mad anymore or think it's funny, either.
Until next time, chau!!! Love ya!!
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