Then as we were leaving I got a text message from my little brother, Glenn, that his wife had had their baby early this morning!! She was in labor for TWO HOURS and pushed him out in 15 minutes!! He weighed 7.6 lbs and 18.5 inches long. He has a little mullet lol. And he looks just like his mother, Andrea!! Except his top lip looks like Glenn's haha. They named him Brayden Taylor Pearson. We were so excited to go see him today!
Last night I only had 2 hours of sleep because a lot was on my mind. New problems that arose unexpectedly this week that I cannot mention caused great stress in our family, plus the anxiety of waiting to hear about Lacie's pre-cancerous mole (which, he said, we still have to keep our eyes on just in case) and just thinking about our dire situation.
I laid in bed finally at 3:00am or a little after and said a little prayer. Very calmly and without great emotion but with sincerity and faith and asked Heavenly Father what we need to do to help us. He told me two things just as plain as day and then told me to get up and go downstairs and write down the revelation I was receiving. So I did just that. Since it's personal for my family I won't mention it here, but now Tyler and I are going to follow what I was told as clear and plainly as if God were standing there talking to me face-to-face and put it to the test because Heavenly Father promised me that if we do these 2 things that he will bless us and take care of us.
What I do know without any doubt whatsoever was that I was truly inspired by God and that he spoke with me and gave me very specific things to do and very specific promises if we follow what he asked us to do.
He also told me that Satan has been working very hard on our marriage to make us divorce because if we do then Tyler will not be able to fulfill his mission in this life nor will I, so now we're ready or being prepared for our missions. That's all I can say about that.
This morning I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep again. I got up and checked my email and had received a message from the church saying EXACTLY one of the impressions I'd received so clearly. It was the oddest thing ever! The email was sent at 7:00am and I read it at 7:15am, hours after the revelation I'd received at 3:15am. I knew it was from God.
Go read D&C 88:119 for a very good clue as to what part of the revelation to me was about.
So anyway, there we are. I'm thinking more positive. I figure whatever happens to us isn't by accident and isn't because God doesn't care, but because he loves us and it is NECESSARY for us to go through all these trials. We HAVE to go through them. I don't know why, I just KNOW this for certain. So that gives me peace knowing that none of this is punishment but necessary for our growth and experience.
I also was told that as soon as we get everything in line for the positive changes we are to make or that the changes are completely made that I'll get pregnant again.
But I know that God will take care of us. He always does, if we do what he asks us to do.
Wow. That's absolutely amazing! I got chills while reading it.