Monday, February 22, 2010

Just a little insight I had.... okay it's a long one, again.

Now I realize that many of you will not agree with me but here's a little impression I received last night or yesterday or sometime fairly recently.
Perhaps this was just for me, perhaps it was total truth, or whatever, but being that I'm in no place to receive revelation for anybody outside my own little family I don't expect anybody to accept this so you don't need to argue with me about it or put me down or "put me in my place". You can share with me how you agree or not but it won't change the impressions I received that I know came from my loving Heavenly Father to me directly.

When thinking about the financial differences and material blessing differences between people that have more v people who have less I found myself seriously and sincerely pondering on this. I prayed for some, well, answer I guess.
I had been reading from the scriptures, reading from Sheri Dew's book No Doubt About It, and considering my family, friends and ourselves in this dilemma.

The fact is there are lazy and negative people out there who dwell solely on what they DON'T have and some don't even think about it that much. They just don't think but sit around, waiting to be waited upon.
And there are some who marry and wait on their spouse or still wait on their parents for all their support while still remaining LAZY.

But, there are those of us who are not lazy. We go to school and do the best we can there without dropping out and whining about how hard it is, and those of us who work as hard and best as we can, and those of us who don't have jobs that have labored diligently and faithfully in finding another job without success. And those of us who have physical ailments that prevent us from doing as much as someone who has little or no physical ailments.
I've met so many people the last few years who are very good and faithful, smart and willing people who CANNOT do what others do to be considered successful in this life. I'm positive that these people, as much as those who are happily successful, have as much chance to make it into the Celestial Kingdom as the next obedient person.

Okay, now here's what came to me when thinking about all of this.
"God blesses some to have easier, more successful and enjoyable lives to help make them be happier and more positive people, which help inspire and encourage and give hope to those who struggle through much opposition (lack of money, health, opportunities, support), which then helps them have Faith and continue to have to have hope through all their trials which make them stronger and even more faithful people which then in turn inspires those who are blessed with more to become better people".
Does that make sense?
I had to write it down quickly so as to not forget it.

Pretty much, if people are righteous and follow the Commandments of God and keep their Covenants made with God and each other, then this plan is PERFECT.

God blesses some with great success as a result to their hard labors, heavy studying, and struggles in life.
God also keeps great success from others who struggle and study just as much as those who do receive great success.
This doesn't mean anything, except that we all have different callings and missions and expectations in life.

Remember the scripture that's in the New Testament that says it's easier for a rich man to enter through the eye of a pin that it is for him to enter the Kingdom of God? Why does God say that anyway?
Well, think about it.
If a man/woman gets success for their labors (or even just an inheritance) it can easily get to their heads. "I earned it" "I worked for it" "I deserve it" "It's mine".
He chooses who gets what in this life, period. It has NOTHING to do with what we do. Sure we can say it does, but think about it. There are some people who do very little and gain a lot. There are some who do a lot but gain very little.
God doesn't reward laziness, Eternally.
Riches and material blessings are not Eternal. They are extremely mortal. Just because someone is hard working and smart with their money doesn't mean that they're Eternally rich. God can give them lots of material wealth but does that go with them into the next life? Do those riches even matter?
NO. Obviously no.

God gives us more things to see what we choose to do with them.
Where much is given much is required.

I'm rambling on a lot more than what I intended, and I'm 100% sure that most who read this will not agree with me. But that's okay. This is something I felt the Spirit taught me personally and I felt like sharing it, for whatever good it could possibly do.

Here's a good example of personally seeing this in my life:
My dad is a very smart man. Perhaps one of the smartest people I've ever met. He's educated, qualified, hard-working, wise, and righteous.
Is he rich? No. He doesn't even have a job. Is it because he's been foolish? NO! Is it because he's been disobedient? NO. Is it because "he's missing something"? NO!
I am getting SICK AND TIRED of hearing people judge my father for his lack of material success in this life. Sick of it.
He's worked just as hard and as smart as the next rich guy, if not HARDER than.
He is not being punished. He is not missing something. He is not forgetting something that's keeping material blessings from him. It is simply that Heavenly Father doesn't NEED him to be rich. He is keeping my dad close to him because that's where he needs him. When we are struggling and poor we usually are humbled which makes us have more faith and the spirit is stronger in our lives making us more susceptible to receiving specific blessings and revelations and inspirations in our life that we otherwise could not have received had we been greatly materially successful.
One this is for certain. My dad is more charitable than any other rich man I know. He is more humble. He is more understanding. He is less judgmental. More accepting. More teachable. More in a lot of ways than any rich man I know.

Now I do know a lot of rich men that are amazing men (and women). I'm not saying that they can't be just as righteous as my dad is and even better.
The point is, just like the scripture says, it's harder for a rich man to make it into the Celestial Kingdom and not because money is evil. No. It's because being humble and having true charity is that much harder. It really is.

When being blessed with material blessings it's hard to remember those who are struggling. It's hard to think about what others with less could possibly be going through.
Usually what absorbs our minds are "they're not doing this right" or "they're not wise with their money" or "they should've done this instead" etc. As if they know better and think that the poor man is foolish, stupid and unwise or not righteous enough.

So here's my point.

Just because you worked really hard and got lots of money doesn't mean you deserved it, and it doesn't mean it's yours, and it doesn't mean you're better than "so-and-so" that has less than you did.
And just because you have no money or no job doesn't mean that you "deserve" less than the rich one. It doesn't mean God hasn't blessed you and it doesn't mean that you're stupid or "missing something" or foolish.

Just remember that the most important things in life are not the fruits of our physical labors, but the fruits of our Spiritual labors.

The wise man built his house upon the rock is not talking about physical things here. It is completely spiritual.

To God ALL things are Spiritual. We cannot comprehend all that the Lord comprehends.
Where we are faithful the Lord stores up TREASURES IN HEAVEN, NOT ON EARTH.

And I really believe this. I really believe that even if I don't ever "score" where money and material blessings are concerned, that they'll be waiting for me in the next life if I remain faithful and endure to the end. And I also know it has nothing to do with how hard I work or how smart I do things but it has EVERYTHING to do with God's plan and God's will in all things.

So I guess you can go ahead and keep your money since you think YOU earned it and it's YOURS and it's because of everything YOU'VE done. Remember that to think this way is thinking you're as great as if not greater than God, because ALL you have is the Father's, and it has nothing to do with your righteousness or smartness and ALL to do with his Plan and will.
As long as we DO OUR BEST and remain faithful we will be blessed AS THE LORD SEES FIT.

I pray that you ALL can understand what I wrote here.... but I won't count on it.

Oh well :)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Staying Positive

As many of you know, who take the time to actually read my blogs, I have been through a few things the last few years (or pretty much my entire life) that are a bit hard, a bit dragging, and trying, etc., etc.
I know people don't like to hear negativity or pessimism, etc. They also like to say that life is what you make it, or attitude is everything, and much, much more.
Well I can say that they are not wrong. I agree. But, I can also say that no matter what there are some of us that are simply and factually at a better advantage than others are.
Just tonight I was looking through an old friend's pictures on a public profile site and was blown away by all the places she's visited in her lifetime. At first I was happy and enjoying all the pretty pictures and interesting places and things she's done, but as I continued to look through them, seeing more and more, the harder it was to be as happy. Sure I was happy for her!! I would never desire to take that fun and enjoyment out of her life in a million years! But it was hard not to think, or remember, the disappointments in my own life. The dreams I had that have never come to pass, and quite possibly never will in my life.

Tyler and I have always had hopes for a brighter future. We both love the outdoors, traveling, music, and just plain ol' "getting out there". We planned on backpacking together, camping, traveling, owning a home, even if it was a tiny junker of a home, of living life!
The reality is that we have not gone anywhere "fun" or exciting or adventerous, we have not even had the chance to.
Life has thrown many curve balls at us and considering everything that has happened we have come pretty far. At least we think so.

So while we see many around us, literally around us i.e. friends, family, neighbors, etc., getting out and living life and being successful we find ourselves struggling to barely make it from one day to the next and sometimes wonder "why us?" or "why couldn't we do that?" or "why can't we have that?" etc. I mean, really. It's hard to sit in a tiny, old, falling-apart townhome without a decent car and not even being able to afford the basic necessities and while I battle with numerous health problems, family problems, even friend problems, while we watch others around us, happy as can be, living up life, successful, having babies on demand, owning beautiful homes that they can actually buy furniture for, going on vacations and trips and everything else without feeling a little like we're missing out, or like our trials are harder than some others are.

It's hard to stay positive in these situations!
Especially since we know we have been working so hard to get on our feet let alone get ahead in life. Especially since we know we've been faithful, perservering, working hard, studying hard, praying hard.
We haven't been overly stupid or unwise. We haven't done anything WRONG, perse, it's just not been that easy for us.

The other day someone arrogantly said to my husband and unemployed brothers "it'd take me just one day to go out a find a job". He's never been in need of a job, layed off or fired. How does he know?
Then an ignorant and arrogant comment from a meaning-well friend "if you'd just lose your weight all your health problems would go away". HA. I wish! Yep, I sure do.
And another comment from well-meaning people "you must be doing something wrong for nothing to go your way! Maybe you don't have enough faith?"
And another "you're not positive enough. If you want it then believe it and it will happen". HAHA.
Still more "you haven't been wise..." "you (Lisa) should've put Tyler through school with you working" "you didn't try hard enough" "your time will come" and so on and so on.
How do things like these help or encourage us?
They do not!
Then one of the most hurtful comments I got from someone who I used to think the world of "I didn't want to keep you as a friend (on facebook, or anywhere actually) because I knew that all your posts on facebook were so discouraging and it was just too much for me to handle. Maybe when I feel like I can handle it all then we can be friends again". She also had written me that I just wasn't positive enough. Well, I guess I could make my updates say things like "wow the flowers are pretty today" or "I like my shoes, they don't have holes in them" or "I'm glad I didn't die today" etc etc.
Sorry our lives have sucked. It's hard to write anything about our lives when hardly anything positive ever happens.
Of course more positive things have been happening more lately, and we have full faith and hope that things will get better!

Anyway, my point to this blog was that even though it's SO HARD to see everyone else's successes and blessings in open plain view I can at least say that I've kept the faith and that my faith has been made stronger through all of this. And I know what's most important in this life, and for the Eternities, too: family. MY family. And anybody else that feels like being LIKE family to us, too. I'm not talking flesh and blood, because that doesn't count so much. It's the family that you make, the family that choose to make you their family by how they treat you, accept you, forgive you, understand you, love you, help you, encourage you, and have charity for you.
I have the most amazing "family" in many good friends (a few in particular.. you know who you are!!) and my own hubby and daughters and other flesh and blood family who support us in thick and thin.

I can say this much. That I know Heavenly Father must love Tyler and I SO SO VERY MUCH to have put us through so so very much!! Because of what we've been through it's made us stronger in many ways: faith, hope, charity, patience, long-suffering, understanding, and with each other and even most importantly it's made our relationships with God so much more stronger! I've been learning invaluable lessons that I know couldn't have been learned in any other way and for that I'm Eternally grateful to my Father in Heaven for all these blessings (trials) that he's given us.
Yes, it's VERY HARD and yes, sometimes I cry and hurt over things people do and say to us and what we don't have and can't have etc etc., but I trust in God to know that He loves me enough that he wouldn't put me through anything more than I am able to handle and that this is ALL FOR MY GOOD and one day, if not in this life, I will have my blessings that are being laid up store for me in my Father's Kingdom.
This I know is true.

So if you cannot handle hearing about somebody's life that is hard and they talk about it then you're not strong enough to handle me, or life in particular, period. Because if you're one of those "lucky" people who thinks it's been through your own amazing smartness and faith and hard-work that's got you that nice, big house and those amazing vacations and trips, and those nice cars and clothes and furniture, and awesome church callings, then think again, because GOD GAVE YOU EVERYTHING YOU HAVE and He can take it away just like "that". Do not ever allow yourself to think that you "earned" anything you have. Do not ever think that you owe yourself this or that, or that you deserve such-and-such, or that you worked hard for it so that's why you have it. When you think like that you will automatically think you're better than others, maybe not on purpose, but really, if you got all you have by YOUR hard work and then you meet someone like me and Tyler and see what we DON'T have you'll automatically think "they didn't work hard enough" or "they're not ambitious enough" or "they don't have enough faith" or "they aren't smart enough" or "they were unwise in their decisions" etc etc. That's not fair, really. And it's judgmental, really.

But to those of you who do have different blessings than Tyler and I have or that have wonderful material blessings that we do not have and still are our friends and love and accept us, God will bless you for that and for not judging us. And we love you so much and are so grateful for your friendships, be you family or friend!

So, I must be vigilant. I must "keep plugging along", as my Grandma Pearson used to always say in her letters to me while I was on a mission. And with that I will keep my faith, striving to be positive and count my blessings among all the chaos and trials and sorrows, cuz really, what else can I do but that? I can accept nothing less from myself.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Andrea's getting PUBLISHED!!!! And other li'l updates

Okay I realize it's been FOREVER since I blogged! Okay not forever, that was a slight exaggeration! I figured since some time has passed that I might as well update y'all on our little lives!
So to address the main title of this particular blogging of mine I'll let you all know that my little sister Andrea Pearson has officially signed with a publishing company and her young adult fantasy book called The Key of Kilenya will be published NATIONWIDE on July 6th 2010!!!!!!!
It will be available at all the major bookstores and online! I am SO SO SO SO SO SO SO happy for her! It's been an emotional roller-coaster for me as well for many reasons but mostly because I'm just so happy for her, so happy actually that I cried my eyeballs out today after hearing the great news!!
Andrea had several great publishing companies offer to publish her book, but being the Spiritual giant that she is she completely and entirely relied on that to know which would be the best to go. You can't argue with that!! lol She chose Valor Publishing Group LLC
She'll be starting a book-signing tour arranged and managed by her publisher in July when her book comes out traveling all across the States to Barnes & Noble bookstores. Wow I wish I could go with her! What an adventure!!
This woman is just amazing. Whoever gets to have her for their Eternal Companion is one incredibly lucky dude and he better know that or I'll have to block him one!! lol

Now the family update!
Tyler is getting more nervous and more excited every day to get to Basic Training next month! I'm getting more nervous, period! I am very excited for what he's going to be learning there and all the experience he'll get, and I am even just slightly envious of it, but I know that if I ever let the thought penetrate too deeply into my head and heart about him being gone I start to sob so I stop that thought IMMEDIATELY cuz I hate crying! And I don't want to look like a big, weak baby!! lol

We have been making important goals and changes in our lives, too. I just have felt greatly impressed that these changes must be made to help our family and to help each of us individually. Such changes include being more selective of what types of entertainment material is allowed into our home, more strict and consistent with having regular Family Home Evening, and scripture study and prayers, and working on personal things as well for each of us. It's a lot of work, you know, when deciding to make changes that require effort and dedication, diligence, and real strength. But I know it's right.
Since starting these changes the Adversary is paying us extra attention lately, and as I will not get into the details of that, we are realizing that his influences are just as real as God's are and if we do not stop him short then we will lose. Bit by bit, piece by piece, he slithers softly and subtly into our lives until we've gone so far that we're past-feeling and do not even recognize that he has become a regular guest, maybe even taking up a more permanent residence, in our own homes and in our own hearts.
We've had blessings and prayers and temple-going and other things to help us keep our chins up, our faith strong, and our attitudes more on the positive side.

I have been thoroughly enjoying Institute! My teacher is a riot and I totally love him! Brother Peterson. Wow, he's really fun, intelligent, educated, entertaining, and loving and caring. I love the Orem Institute! Those who choose not to go are not only totally missing out but are making it harder on themselves. Trust me on that one, even if you don't agree.
I have been feeling the Spirit so much more lately, so clearly, and IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE. To know when something is true, the Spirit speaks to both your mind AND your heart, not to just one of them. IT MAKES SENSE. That is, if you let it in and you really want to know the truth. Of course if you're angry, stubborn, prideful, spiteful, rebellious and selfish then he cannot penetrate your heart and mind thus making it nearly impossible for you to feel these feelings of knowledge and surety and peace that come with the Spirit speaking and teaching truth to you. I'm sorry you're missing out. It is your choice.

I also have started reading No Doubt About It by Sheri Dew. Can I say WOW enough?? I don't think so!! A dear friend of mine recommended it to me and I am SO grateful to her for following promptings from the Spirit and telling me to read this book!! It's helping me SO very much right now and has been like perfect medicine for my heart and soul. And I literally mean that! So go read it if you want to know more of what I'm talking about.

Lacie's getting better in school! She was struggling for a bit there, but jumped over that hurdle and is now spelling words for us and writing and reading!!!!! She's incredibly brilliant. I've noticed with Lacie since she was brand new that if you carefully show her how to do something exactly, she can take it from there and master it, sometimes even the second time she tries it. She's really amazing. She's such a sweetheart, too! She got up on Valentine's Day on Sunday and drew a "card" for Tyler and I each! She drew cute pictures, hearts, and To Mom From Lacie, etc on them. They were DARLING!! Brought tears to my eyes! My baby girl is growing up SO fast and she's such a special girl and I'm super lucky to be her mother!! I just hope I can be what she deserves!!

Sophie's such a funny girl, and so cute. She's always checking in with mommy needing hugs and kisses and cuddles, then goes back to destroying the house/toys/clothes/makeup/food she was previously working on. She's a very independent little girl and insists on doing everything by herself! lol. She changes her clothes several times a day and she demands dresses and dresses only, no matter the weather! She sings in perfect pitch, matching whatever's on the radio in the bathroom (usually classical music or church music) or what's on in the car (daddy's old country or oldies or whatever). It's so sweet! She dances and prances, being a princess, and if given a chance will tell you the funniest stories! Usually she's pretty quiet, keeping to herself, but don't let that silence deceive you!! She's a very strong-willed, stubborn, and determined little girl!

Also, last of all, we sold our truck!!! We now own no vehicles and we have to return my in-laws car that they were gracious enough to let us borrow for a couple of days tomorrow so we'll be taking the bus and walking everywhere unless we can find ourselves a decent car! We've been madly searching for cars the last week or so and even more intensely searching since we sold the truck! We've driven as far as to Ogden from Orem! It blows me away how dishonest and misleading people can be, and it really is a hurtful disappointment for me every time. When someone advertises that there are NO PROBLEMS with a car just know right away that they are LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH!!! lol. Seriously!!! I swear I was the ONLY one telling the truth when I was advertising our truck!! I did forget to put one thing down on the ad which I feel so so so bad about, but I simply forgot! It wasn't an issue, at least not a serious one, so I'd forgotten about it entirely. But at least I wasn't purposely deceiving people and trying to con them!! We go look at a "perfect" car and it has broken lights, shorted out electrical, torn out stereo, missing seat belts, broken struts, leaking oil, bald tires, no oil, you name it! And they even go as far as to say that these same cars can pass emissions and inspections! Either they're lying out-right about that or they're taking them to some underground or black market car inspection place to pass the E&I!! Come on people! How can you live with yourselves???

Anyway, we will continue the search for a reliable and easy-on-gasoline cheap car, and meantime I must FORCE myself to concentrate on writing my play and two papers due this week, and study for 2 tests (or 3?), and clean the horribly messy house, etc etc etc.

Wish us luck and hopefully I'll write sooner next time than I did this time cuz if I wait too long Tyler will already be gone and I'll be crying too hard to be able to even see what I'm typing!! LOL