Current mood:

So last night my Sleep Study SUCKED!!!
I could NOT sleep for the life of me! I got MAYBE 3 hours of sleep and woke up every 10 min during that time. Then at 3 am I woke up and stayed wide awake the rest of the night. They unhooked me at 5:30 instead of 6:30. Then, Tyler forgot to come pick me up and he had his stupid phone off! So I had to WALK HOME!! I was soooo mad! I got home freezing cold (walked in my PJ's!! in the 20's) and then unlocked the door and Sophie was sitting on the couch and Tyler was laying on the floor next to the portable heater (since our heater is broken). I didn't say one word to him cuz I was so mad. I got Sophie and carried her up to our bed and finally went to sleep at about 7:30 or 8:00 and slept until 10:30ish. I AM SOOOO TIRED!!!!
The CPAP machine helped my oxygen levels stay in the 90's except whenever I moved it would plummet. I have no idea why, either. Weird, huh?
It was nice having that air, though. It felt SO DIFFERENT being able to breath!! lol
I won't find out the restults of that for 5-7 days now, they said. So we'll just see. Man these medical bills are going to murder us!
Oh, we got sued again. The 3rd time now. This time from a medical billing collection. Lovely eh? Pisses us off! They don't give us a break! Tyler's hours got cut a LOT so yeah, there's no way to get around any of this. It sucks!
Anyway, about Lacie now.
She's had this mole on her head since she was a baby. It started really small and got bigger and bigger until it was as big or bigger than a pencil eraser, which we know is the size when it needs to be looked at. Tyler took her to the dermatologist this morning and just in the last while it's been growing irregularly and getting jagged edges and being sensitive. So the doc removed it and scraped it clean and put a liquid bandage on it. I'm glad he didn't have to shave any hair off. I was worried about that.
The doc said she was better than most adults are!! lol That's my Lacie!! He's going to have it biopsied cuz it concerned him. He said if it's positive for Carcinoma or Melanoma then they'll have to surgically go in and remove a chunk out of her head and sew it back up. YUCKY!!! Poor Lacie!! I hope it's not positive! But that mole was getting kinda scary looking and it concerned us that it irritated her whenever it was touched.
One more thing. Tonight Tyler and I get some time alone!!!! We're going to a Hotel in SLC and going to the dollar movies. I'm SO EXCITED!!!!!!!! We got some good deals and get to eat mostly for free. Then tomorrow we're going to Ashley Furniture, Guitar Center and the Cheesecake Factory. Yes we have people (family) watching the girls. Thank heavens for that!!
We have learned to NOT ask certain people to help watch the kids EVER AGAIN because they ALWAYS say no and blah blah blah. It's annoyed me a lot and really ticked Tyler off. So we have my inlaws taking them all day on Saturday (THANK YOU!!!!) and my brother and his wife and my other little brother coming over at night. So they'll be safe and well taken care of. I'm sure they'll miss us. I'm MORE sure Sophie will miss me!! That's why she was sitting on the couch this morning was cuz she was up most the night waiting for me to come home!!! How sad, eh??
Oh, when Tyler came home this morning from Lacie's appointment he surprised me with long stem red roses!!! And a Valentine's and Anniversary card. It was so sweet. He felt so bad for making me walk. I hope I can laugh about it later but right now I'm just too tired to be mad anymore or think it's funny, either.
Until next time, chau!!! Love ya!!
Oooh so my Sleep Study results came back in today and they gave me a call about them and I DO have Sleep Apnea. I would've been shocked if I didn't, or at least surprised a little and kinda let down.
Now the Sleep Apnea explains why I'm so doggone tired all the time!!
Here are my results:
I have a non-breathing episode/event 20 times in one flippin hour! And during my REM I have like 67!!! I don't snore, which they thought was extremely odd for how bad my Apnea is. My oxygen stays at 84% during the night. NO WONDER!!!!!!!!! Holy crap!!
So this Thursday night I go back for another Sleep Study and this time they'll put the CPAP machine on me to determine at what level I need it at and then I'll get a prescription for it to use at home. That's gonna be SO WEIRD! I don't know how I'm going to adjust to it, but, I am soooo excited to actually start it cuz I'm hoping my AWFUL AWFUL memory gets better, I can lose weight, and have energy to get up and won't feel like sleeping all freakin day long!!
So I don't have regular Apnea, folks, I have severe Apnea. My airway is completely blocked and staying at 84% oxygen all night long is seriously dangerous. No wonder I'm so freakin brain-damaged!! hahahaha
So progress in my health crap! YEA!!!!!!!
So I went to the dentist today. I had two teeth worked on and one of them was really really close to being a root canal but luckily didn't do it. We'll see how it holds for now to decide if I'll need one or not.
They had to numb me up three different times!! My body soaks up anesthesia like a dry sponge. Dead serious! When I had my babies I'd have to have my epidural adjusted and fixed several times.
And in surgery the last time I woke up in the middle of it. I don't remember any pain or hearing anything or feeling anything else, just a nurse behind my head looking down at me with a mask on and a hat that covers the hair. Then she put something over my mouth and that's it.
My gums and jaw hurt and my teeth, too, now. They're giving me a migraine.
So I got a call from an associate of my Neurologist today. He called to tell me Dr Taher ordered a Sleep Study since my oxygen test went really bad. In other words, I failed miserably. Ha ha. No surprise there! When I was AWAKE and looked at the machine my oxygen was 85 and my heart rate 50. So yeah, not super good. It would explain A LOT if I have Sleep Apnea.
So tonight the girls went to Michelle's for the night (great break for us. They kept us up all night last night!!) and we babysat Kristen & Kevin's little kids. I LOVE new babies!! Made me so baby hungry taking care of that little newborn! It feels so natural to care for a tiny baby. Even Tyler loved it. It was cute seeing him with that new baby and cuddling her and taking care of her. She's such a pretty little baby.
Anyway, so since our babies are gone tonight we got to go see a movie! An early Valentine's date thing for us. We went to see "Taken". It was such a super super cool movie!! It got an applause by most everyone in the theater! It was FULL. We had to sit in the very front and the screen was HUGE but it was so worth going! It was go go go through the entire movie. Never boring and very interesting and educational, too. We totally recommend it!!!
Okay, then also I'm going to be starting Clomid. I got my prescription and how it works is taking it on the 5th day of my cycle through the 9th, then doing "the thing" every other day from day 10-20. If we don't get pregnant this month she gave me like 3 refills. Kinda nice. I guess we'll see if this does the trick, eh?
Oh, and Tyler got me Guitar Hero World Tour!!! Just the 1 guitar, but hey, I'm so excited to play it!! Yipee!! I LOVE tax return season!!!
okay, so that's my "another one" update for y'all.
So I went to see my midwife today and it went fairly well. I'm NOT pregnant, (surprise surprise), even though I'm like almost 2 months late now. They're testing me for polycystic something or other that's an ovarian deal. Just another thing to accompany my endometriosis I guess in keeping me from getting pregnant. I won't be surprised to have it since I have all the signs of it and even have had a cyst rupture in the past and made me bleed all over the place in two places. IT SUCKED!! She did a couple other blood tests, too, and a couple results will be in tomorrow and the others on Monday. So we'll see how that goes. Otherwise I get to start Clomid after my next period starts, and if it doesn't start they'll give me Progesterone or something like that to make me have it. Clomid an a fertility drug and can increase my chances of having multiples. I'm SURE I won't get pregnant with 8 babies, though, like that one lady! haha. I'm feeling a lot better since being on medication for my migraine's and it's actually helped me with my body aches! It's nice. My thyroid is finally evened out and staying at the same points! Only deal is I keep gaining weight. I have been doing excersize and watching what I eat (no junk food at all) and I'm still gaining. Apparently two of the medications I'm on make me gain weight, so there you go. I have TWO things working against me there. Okay, that's it for now. At least what I can remember! haha
Originally published on Special Bulletin on January 31, 2009, here's Quit The Mormon Church:I have been thinking of quitting the “Mormon Church.” Yes, if I can, I am going to get even with that church. As soon as I can find another church that teaches about the Gathering ofthe House of Israel; the return of the Ten Tribes and their mission; there turn of the Jews to Palestine and why, and how they are going to build the temple; the building of temples and what to do with them; the mission of Elias, the prophet, as predicted by Malachi; the method for the salvation of the people that died at the time of Noah in the flood; the origin of the American Indian; the complete explanation of why Jesus of Nazareth had to have a mortal mother but not a mortal father; the explanation of the three degrees of glory (three heavens) as mentioned by Paul; the complete explanation of why Elias and Moses did not die but had to be translated (since they both lived before the resurrection was introduced by Christ); the restoration of the gospel by modern revelation as promised by Peter and Paul and Jesus himself; the belief in eternal marriage and the family, and the knowledge and the place to seal for eternity; that teaches abstinence from all harmful drugs and foods ; and that sells the best fire insurance policy on earth, for the last days, for only a 10th of my income. Yes sir, as soon as I can find another church that teaches all that, or even half as much, I will say good-bye to this Mormon Church. The church that I am looking for must also be able to motivate 50,000+ youth, and adults, for the first, second or third time, to leave their homes for two years at their own expense and go to far-away places to teach and preach without salary. It must be able to call, on a frosty day, some 5 or 6 thousand professors, students, lawyers, doctors, judges, policemen, businessmen, housewives and children to go and pick apples at 6 a. m. It must be able to call meetings and get the attention for two hours of more than 150,000 men. Yes, it must also teach and show why salvation isassured for children who die before eight years of age. Could you help me find a church that teaches all that and hundreds of other doctrines and principles, which I have no room to mention here, and which brings solace and comfort to the soul; peace, hope, and salvation to mankind, and above all, that answers the key questions that all the great philosophers have asked; questions and answers that explain the meaning of life, the purpose of death, suffering and pain; the absolute need for a Redeemer and the marvelous plan conceived and executed by Jesus Christ the Savior? Yes, as soon as I find another church that teaches that, and also that has the organization and the powers to make that teaching effective, I am going to quit the Mormon Church. For I should not tolerate that “they” should change a few words in the Book of Mormon-even if those changes simply improve the grammar and the syntax of the verses - for, after all, don’t you think the Divine Church should employ angels as book makers, and clerks, to do all the chores on earth? Don’t you think, Mr. Editor, that the Divine Church should also have prophets that don’t get sick and don’t get old and die, and certainly, that don’t make a goof here and there?No, sir! A Divine Church should be so divine that only perfect people should belong to it, and only perfect people should run it. As a matter of fact, the Church should be so perfect that it should not even be here on earth! So, I repeat, if any one of the kind readers of this imperfect letter knows about another church that teaches and does as much for mankind as the Mormon Church, please let me know. And please do it soon, because my turn to go to the cannery is coming up. Also, “they” want my last son (the fifth one) to go away for two years and again, I have to pay for all that. And I also know that they expect me to go to the farm to prune trees, and I have heard that our ward is going to be divided again, and it is our side that must build the new chapel.And also, someone the other day had the gall of suggesting that my wife and I get ready to go on a second mission, and when you come back, they said, you can volunteer as a temple worker. Boy, these Mormons don’t leave you alone for a minute. And what do I get for all that, I asked? “Well,” they said, “for one, you can look forward to a funeral service at no charge!” Do you think you can help me to find another church? Thomas D. Clark [KLP: Check out for more information about "ThisMormon Church" or more specifically, The Church of Jesus Christ ofLatter-Day Saints.]