Obama's Heritage [this article was pulled off the internet almost as soon as it appeared by Obama backers who are becoming more militant every day] An Atlas reader's well researched analysis of the Mansourian candidate. Pulls together nicely much I have been running for over 18 months. And interestingly enough, Raila <
http://www.breakingnewskenya.com/2008/01/08/do-luos-really-follow-raila-lik e-sheep/> Odinga hardly speaks for all Luo depsite Obama's tacit support. AN IN-DEPTH VIEW OF THE OBAMA HERITAGE Will Burnett As the 2008 Presidential campaign progressed, bits and pieces of the information about Barack Obama that were being presented by the media did not fit the actual pattern of life of the potential first family. Thus, our curiosity caused us to do in-depth research and analysis on some of the facets of Obama's life. Our information was gathered from historical books and documents, other later-published sources, and from recent history in daily newspapers, both domestic and international. We feel this information should be known to every voter before the November election. In 1959/60, the first two airlifts of youth from Kenya were made to the United States. The purpose of the airlifts was to educate African youth so that they could then return to Kenya as leaders. Obama's father was one of the students, and shortly after his arrival in Hawaii he met Obama's mother. Obama was born in 1961. By birth Obama was automatically a member of the African Luo tribe. Shortly after the first airlifts, the African American Student Foundation was formed which has since sponsored educations for Luos including those claiming 'political asylum'. Obama's father and many of the young Africans who participated in the airlifts were radical Arab Muslim Luos. This was a turbulent period in Kenyan history, with the Luos in open rebellion against European colonial authority, engaging in terrorism and having Communist associations and close ties to Russia and China. Once in the United States, the Luo youth organized with the intention of affecting Kenyan politics from here. They also involved themselves in United States politics, which began to focus on African-American uprisings. Obama's father left his mother and him after two years to go to Harvard. It went beyond a desire to get an education, the Luos were working towards large political goals on the mainland. During the absence of Obama's father, Kenya had declared its independence; and a Luo, Jaramongi Oginga Odinga, reportedly Obama's uncle, had been elected Vice President of the new government. Obama's father went to work for the government when he returned to Kenya. However, Oginga Odinga's radical Muslim and communist ideas soon made inevitable a collision with Kenya's President Kenyatta. In 1965, Kenyatta assumed an anticommunist stance; and in 1966, Odinga's left wing was driven out of the party. Obama's father was involved, and Obama has simply said that a conflict with Kenyatta destroyed his father's career, failing to give the reason why. The Kenyan government then centralized with a single-party system, however the Luos continued to violently agitate. In 1978, Daniel arap Moi became Kenya's second President, and the Luos together with others attempted a coup in 1982. The assassination of a Luo in 1990, pressured Moi into allowing a multi-party election. The pre-election period was characterized by deadly ethnic violence between the Luo Muslims and the Christians. In 1992, the elections were held. Oginga Odinga ran for President, but he was defeated; and his son, Raila Odinga was elected to the Parliament. In the summer of 1992, Barack and his wife-to-be Michelle visited Kenya. Presumably Obama <
http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2008/06/odinga-and-obam.htm l> was campaigning for the Odingas, just as he later did in 2006 for Raila's run for the Presidency of Kenya. By the way, this was the same summer that Obama says he worked as a community organizer in Chicago. President Moi had resisted the 1992 election, saying that the Muslims did not deserve government representation because they were "behind the slave trade during which thousands of Africans were sold outside the continent." He was making reference to the fact that the Luos are Middle Eastern Arabs who moved to Sudan in the 1400s, and emigrated from there to many African nations. The Luo's primary economic activity was slave trading African blacks to the Arab lands. Reportedly, the practice still continues. Ironically, early Luo slave trade routes crossed to the Americas. In Africa, generally the Luo do not inter-marry with African blacks, although it has been reported that Obama has one African black ancestor in his father's side, making him about 6% African black, 44% Arab and 50% white. If not for her, Obama would be half-Arab and half-white. This means that he is not legally African-American. For those who missed it, some information is repeated here that is contained in "Where Has Obama Been?" In 1996, bin Laden issued his fatwa, or declaration of war against the United States, that urged the killing of Americans worldwide. By 1998, he bombed the United States Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. It is not coincidence that he started in Kenya. He had lots of support there from the Luos. Also, it is not coincidence that bin Laden went to Sudan in 1992, after he was kicked out of Saudi Arabia. Sudan is the Luo homeland. There is that year of 1992 again, when Obama was in Kenya. Although he visited at least 4 other nations during his 2006 trip, not much is out there on his 1992 visit. And it is not coincidence that Obama was in the Middle East in college, and that he has long associations with terrorists, ETC. Overlooking the many coincidences in the Luo and Obama pasts is a dangerous kind of denial. Since the mid-1990s, bin Laden's al Qaeda has spread across Africa, incorporating tribal battles into it own jihad. As part of its thrust, al Qaeda is providing support to opposition leaders during elections who will agree to implement sharia law if elected. Raila Odinga, the same mentioned above who is reportedly Obama's first cousin, is one opposition leader who signed a memorandum of understanding to implement sharia law if elected in his run for President of Kenya in 2007. As mentioned above, during Obama's visit to Kenya in 2006, Obama campaigned for Odinga against our ally, the Kenyan government, all the while lecturing the Kenyan government on its corruption. The Kenyan government filed a formal complaint against Obama with the United States government, and called him "Odinga's stooge." When Odinga lost the election, the killings started, and over a thousand Christians were killed until he was taken into the Kenyan power structure as Prime Minister. Claiming election fraud and election killings have become classic jihad in Africa. We need to ask what Obama's full role was in the recent election in Kenya. Obama contacted Odinga frequently when the post-election revolution was going on and when terrorist killings slew the Christian voters supporting the other party. To go a step further, what has Obama's role been in African politics over the past 25 years? Obama has told us that he made at least two other trips to Kenya. We know that he was there during the campaign period for the 1992 elections, but we also need to ask what he was doing in Kenya during his trip in the 1980s. Similar events to those in Kenya recently happened in the Zimbabwe election. As in Kenya there is only a 10% Muslim population, so attacks were against Christians; in Zimbabwe, we saw a battle between Mugabe, representing a moderate Muslim government, and Tsvangirai, representing the hardliner radical Muslims. Tsvangirai lost the election against Mugabe, then he claimed election corruption and the killings started. This is jihad m.o., but there was a chilling twist to what happened in Zimbabwe. Raila Odinga interjected himself into the Zimbabwe situation; and as Mugabe struggled to fight off the radical opposition, Odinga and others painted him as the problem and demanded that he step down. Ultimately, Mugabe was forced to take Tsvangirai into the power structure. Also noteworthy is the fact that 2004 news reports said that Zimbabwe had become al Qaeda's newest hub, and news reports have placed Odinga in contact with opposition leadership in Zimbabwe since at least 2006. What we have is Odinga, with Obama's support and countenance, at the cutting edge of bin Laden's jihad in Africa. Odinga's and al Qaeda's names surface in common in terrorist activities in many African nations. Obama's trip to Kenya and 4 other African nations in 2006, were covered by the international press, with mention of side meetings with opposition leaders, and that Odinga was often by his side. Odinga has also visited Obama in the United States many times, and allegedly they have stayed in regular contact, with Obama shying from him only since feeling heat from the relationship in his own campaign for President of the United States. The political chaos and guerrilla activity in Africa over the past 10 years has been viewed by Africans as old tribal battles. In reality, they appear to be part of a takeover by Arab extremists who intend to establish Africa as an Islam nation. The list starting with Kenya and Zimbabwe, can be extended to Somalia, and so on throughout Africa. Obama is directly tied to what is happening in Africa. It is about controlling oil, and implementing sharia law. This overlays other serious matters, such as the affair known as Wantagate, which places Obama in the position of a conflict of interest with the United States, Africa and other global parties. More about that another time.. For now, the question needs to be asked, is Obama working in the best interest of the United States? In 2006 while campaigning for Odinga, he hadn't yet been elected to the Senate. Or has he been working in the interest of himself, his tribe and his pals? In light of the fact that Obama has taken many steps to hide and spin his ties to Islam and his activities in Kenya and at least 4 other countries in Africa, he is suspect. Most Americans are unaware of the extent of the Obama-Africa-Luo connections because the liberal media is protecting him at all costs to get him elected, even to the detriment of the citizens of the United States. And what has happened to our updated and expanded intelligence service? There are questions of all kinds surrounding Obama that would have already been scrutinized and reported upon with other politicians. The American public needs to be made aware of the movement of the global jihad in Africa, and Obama's and Odinga's ties to al Qaeda and other Muslim extremists there. There is much controversy about the birth certificate that challenges whether Obama was actually born in Hawaii. There have been reports that Obama may have been born in Kenya, when his mother visited there near the end of her pregnancy term. This issue is raised in a lawsuit filed by a past Pennsylvania Deputy Attorney General. Why aren't government agencies clarifying this accusation? There is also controversy about other documents from Obama's past. It is reported that he had an Indonesian passport, and used it to visit Pakistan in 1981; and that his application to law school states he had no other prior name, when actually the names Barry Dunham and Barry Soetoro appear on his earlier documents. Since Obama is running for President of the United States, isn't it reasonable that any questions regarding his identity are resolved before the election? Where do the massive amounts of Obama campaign contributions come from? Are the irregular donations that have been reported being investigated by the established agencies of government? Obama's association with Chicago mobsters are brushed off as ho-hum. As mentioned above, in the summer of 1992, yes, the same summer that he campaigned for the Odingas in Kenya, Obama worked as a community organizer in Chicago. A community organizer in Chicago is like a ward boss for recruiting blacks and for performing other go-fer errands for crime-controlled administration. This group is rife with corruption and should be investigated before the election. We should insist that police intelligence files are looked at to see what they have to say. And how about Obama's association with the Chicago black Muslims, and the Chicago school meals program? The radical Luos in Europe jokingly refer to themselves as the taliban there. England, Germany, France and other countries have also provided educations to the Luos. Raila Odinga was educated in East Germany. Odinga and Obama have both carried on in their fathers' footsteps. Obama said in one of his books that after a conflicted youth, he found himself after he came to know about his father. He changed his name from Barry Soetoro to Barack Hussein Obama, his father's name. His African family says that in 1980, he announced this name change in order to reassert his African heritage. This was a year before the reported visit to the Middle East on an Indonesian passport. Today we see that those early airlifted students started a push that has propelled the Luos a long way. Barack Obama and his cousin Raila Odinga have risen to the top of United States and African politics. Why haven't United States citizens been made aware of this and how it came about? This leads to just a few more questions. Mohamed El-Erian, a British-educated Egyptian financier and past member of the Harvard faculty, just moved from managing Harvard University's $35 billion endowment fund, and has arrived in Newport Beach, California, to manage PIMCO's $740 billion in assets. PIMCO is German owned. What is the relationship in this consortium? Did Obama receive school support from this group at Harvard? PIMCO, under El-Erian's management, is now in discussions with The New York Federal Reserve Bank to manage huge parts of the $700 billion bailout. Why not? UPDATE: For those who have not seen Michelle Obama's thesis, here are links to the complete document (if they are still up): Part 1: <
http://www.politico.com/pdf/080222_MOPrincetonThesis_1-251.pdf>Part 2: <
http://www.politico.com/pdf/080222_MOPrincetonThesis_26-501.pdf> Part 3:<
http://www.politico.com/pdf/080222_MOPrincetonThesis_51-751.pdf>Part 4:<
http://dyn.politico.com/pdf/080222_MOPrincetonThesis_76-981.pdf> (I dropped the wrong draft into the post and it was mentioned). "My experiences at Princeton have made me far more aware of my 'blackness' than ever before," the future Mrs. Obama wrote in her thesis introduction. "I have found that at Princeton, no matter how liberal and open-minded some of my white professors and classmates try to be toward me, I sometimes feel like a visitor on campus; as if I really don't belong. Regardless of the circumstances underwhich I interact with whites at Princeton, it often seems as if, to them, I will always be black first and a student second." Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, October 13, 2008 at 01:33 AM in AtlasShrugs2000: Muslim in the White House?<
http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/muslim_in_the_white_house> Link to this article as it appeared before being blackballed:<